Smart Scan
Follow the guides to take 5 photos of your teeth to receive a personalized oral health report and wellness score.

See A Dentist Now
Speak with an online dentist 24/7 for issues including tooth aches, infections, dental emergencies, and more.

Second Opinion
A licensed dentist will review your treatment plan from your dentist and provide you with a detailed second opinion report.

Revolutionize Your Dental Care with AI Photo Assessments and 24/7 Live Virtual Dental Visits
Check the status of your dental health with an at-home AI photo scan or consult with a licensed dentist anytime, anywhere.

How Smart Scan Works
Create your account
Take and submit 5 photos - we'll show you how
Get your score delivered in your secure, personalized patient portal
Further questions? Meet virtually with a licensed dentist at your convenience

AI Scan + Virtual Consultation
While the AI scan is a great first step, a virtual consultation with a licensed dentist will help clarify any questions. Also, the scan can help uncover potential problems, but a discussion of treatment options requires a licensed dentist.

Second Opinions Just Got Easier
Seeking a second opinion on your dental treatment plan has never been more convenient. connects you with in-network dental professionals who can provide valuable insights and recommendations to ensure you receive the best care possible. Don't settle for just one opinion when it comes to your oral health – explore your options with today.
- Each photo is examined by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to determine potential cavities or areas of concern
- A final score is determined and posted on your dashboard like a grade on a report card – score 1 through 100 (100 being the best)
- The AI software will identify problem areas and specific conditions to be addressed (if any exist)
- Detailed suggestions on how to improve or maintain your oral health and hygiene will also be made available
- If you would like to speak directly with a dentist to review the results, you can do so by selecting to “See a Dentist Now” from your member dashboard
Once in the virtual consultation, you will immediately be greeted by a virtual assistant who can answer any questions you have. A dentist will join the consultation shortly after, typically within 5 minutes.